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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

What Is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

PTSD is an anxiety condition that develops after a terrifying ordeal. Traumatic events can have a long-lasting, harmful impact on people and their loved ones.



The disorder often is associated with war and veterans because it was first diagnosed among soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. There also is a strong link between PTSD and veterans of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the horrors they saw on the battlefield. Although anyone can get PTSD, more veterans are coming forward with it than ever before. This may be due to more awareness about mental health issues such as PTSD or simply because recent veterans have had more exposure to trauma. The VA estimates that about 10% of the 2.3 million military members who served in Iraq or Afghanistan have PTSD.



People with PTSD are more likely to develop other mental health conditions than those who do not have the disorder. An estimated 50 percent of people with PTSD also have major depression at some point in their lives. Alcoholism is a common problem in people with PTSD, and the rate of alcoholism among people with this disorder is estimated to be four times higher than for those without it.

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